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 For a neophyte to become a priest, the Gods calling isn’t enough. He must also be properly prepared, undergoing a long process of training that covers a wide study of both theorical and practical subjects, and also some ritual cerimonies. All this preparing is vital because the initiation signs a commitment and a permanent bond with the Gods and the members of the coven.

The only way to onself becomes a priest truly and legitimately recognized by the Gods and by the community is undergoing the rites of initiation performed by both a high-priestess and a high-priest.

The initiation consists in formaly introduce the neophyte to the egregore and the ancestry that are part of our tradition, afterwards receiving the charge of ancestral power. During the initiation cerimony the neophyte takes an oath of perfects love and trust  before the Gods and the coven, compromising himself with his new duties, responsibilities, loyalty to the brothers and sisters, and total secrecy, never revealing the coven misteries to anybody. The break of this votes submits the members to punishments determined by the coven, sometimes even the banishment from the group. After the initiation the priest is able to perform some cerimonies and have access granted to know and participate in some rites and misteries of our tradition.

The priest has an obligation in respecting and knowing his initiatic lineage and preserving the culture and misteries of our tradition. The priestly service is a daily dedication to the Gods and to the community people, a job of huge responsibility, because the priest is someone who represents something bigger then himself.

After the first initiation the priest will accumulate new tasks and attributions. As long as he advances in his studies, experiences the misteries of the tradition and matures in wisdom, when he becomes properly ready he can undergo the second and third initiations, advancing degrees and becoming a high-priest. Each degree of priesthood grants access to deeper levels of the misteries, permission to perform more cerimonies as long with more responsibilities.

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